如果你有医疗保健或分析背景, 并希望加深和拓宽您的专业知识或进入医疗保健领域, 医疗保健分析(MSHA)硕士学位是为你准备的. 该研究生课程将为您提供在医疗保健分析方面取得成功所需的知识和技能, 遵循数据分析的所有最佳实践,并能够将其应用于现代医疗保健的许多方面. This master’s in healthcare analytics program will prepare you to knowledgeably engage with stakeholders around health data science and analytics so that you can make a difference in your chosen healthcare organization.
医疗保健不仅仅是医生, 护士, and insurance providers; it includes the people working behind the scenes to support the healthcare system and ensure it functions properly. 在医疗保健分析师的位置, 您将做出关键的预测和规范的分析决策, 管理数据和信息. 您在健康数据分析方面的专业知识将在医院的各种角色中受到欢迎, 诊所, 医疗设备或服务公司, 制药行业, 保险公司, 和更多的. The MSHA program delivers a quality education in advanced healthcare data analysis with emphasis on information systems design, 政策基础, 优化临床和医疗服务质量, 统计数据的整合, 和更多的.
现在比以往任何时候都重要, 随着大流行提高了对这一领域的认识,卫生数据的数量继续增长, opportunities for healthcare professionals who know how to analyze and perform data mining to improve patient care are on the rise. Some topics we explore in our health analytics’ core courses include: design and management for healthcare informatics, 医疗保健数据分析方法, 公共卫生信息学, 医疗保健数据库设计. 了解更多beat365手机版官方网站的课程设置如下.
The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) recently designated the 加州 School of 领导 and Management (CSML) at Alliant International University as an approved education partner (AEP). HIMSS是一家信誉卓著的公司, 公认的全球顾问, 思想领袖, 会员协会致力于转变健康生态系统. 这是一个巨大的荣誉,我们非常感谢他们对CSML的认可. HIMSS赞扬了我们完善的研究生课程,为学生提供最新的技能, 了解各种医疗保健主题和课程, 以及教育内容的实际应用. 我们很高兴能加入这个AEP组织的独家团体.
成为拥有HIMSS的AEP的好处是很多的. CSML被授权提供MSHA和MSDA项目及其强大的课程,现在作为himss批准的项目. This partnership further strengthens the credibility of the skills and competencies which students receive throughout CSML degree programs. 从HIMSS/AEP合作学校获得学位将使你成为招聘人员更理想的候选人, 在医疗保健相关市场上更具竞争力. HIMSS成员也有资格获得CSML硕士和博士课程15%的学费减免.
通过应用研究学习, 写作, 演讲, 讨论, 辩论, 实习或基于团队的顶点项目使用数据查询, 统计建模, 算法程序, 和过程逻辑,您可以使用,以使您当前的组织受益.
This health analytics program prepares you to succeed in a wide range of jobs in varying departments within hospitals, 诊所, 医疗设备公司, 制药行业, 保险公司, 和更多的.
Students have the opportunity to participate in a research project which could lead to authorship and publication in a peer-reviewed journal, 通过学校的技术和定量分析项目,获得博客或SIGs(特殊兴趣小组).
Practical training in the health professions is required and intended to develop professional and applied practice related skills and expertise in the student’s program through a variety of work and learning experiences which could involve supervised practical training and/or applied client projects. 了解更多
This honors program cohort will meet once a month for a deep-dive discussion on contemporary trending industry issues, 差距, 进步, and opportunities and will engage in research projects led by faculty that are designed to further the reach of their education in a manner commensurate with their existing academic achievement. 这项研究可以发表在科学杂志上, 同行评审期刊, 成功发表论文的团队将在出版物中被列为研究作者.
Each and every student within the honors program will also receive professional executive mentoring on their selected career path, 简历创建, 面试建议, 因为我们指导我们的毕业生准备在他们的职业生涯中尽快产生影响.
最后, honors program members will assist instructors and gain invaluable experience as both a teacher and a leader as they work with these professors on assignment preparation, 协助学生完成课程作业, and ultimately conducting student-perspective evaluations in courses where they will provide feedback to instructors on student perceptions of course instruction.
- 斯巴拉, 前应用总监和首席信息安全官, 署理临时资讯科技总监, 加州大学欧文分校
- 布雷特•加西亚Kaiser Permanente的健康计划主管
- Dr. 亚伦向西, CSML的核心教员, 曾任Press Ganey Associates的技术产品专员, 以及之前的国家高级分析总监, iProspect数据科学与研究/ Dentsu Aegis为Anthem医疗保健进行数据分析.
Students in the MSHA ground program are required to participate in curricular practical training as part of their experiential learning throughout the program. Practical training is intended to develop professional and applied practice related skills and expertise in the student’s program through a variety of work and learning experiences which could involve supervised practical training and/or applied client projects. 这是整个学术课程从第一天开始到课程完成的要求. 国内学生可以直接联系CSML专业发展(CPD)协调员进行指导. International students must apply for authorization for Curricular Practical Training to the Designated School Official (DSO).
- 从你的雇主那里获得工作录用信. offer letter需要以下内容:
- 用公司的信笺抬头
- 开始和结束日期. (例如:CPT开始日期为10/17/22,结束日期为08/20/2023)
- 包括具体职责,办公地点,直接主管姓名和联系电话.
- 说明这是一份兼职工作
- Include the following statement: “employer agrees to cooperate with the school in achieving the curricular purposes of the employment/training”
- 完成CPT申请和CPT导师验证表. 这些表格位于学生门户网站: http://alliantintluni.sharepoint.com/sites/IntlStudent/SitePages/International-Forms.aspx
- 将您的录取通知书和两份表格通过电子邮件发送给您在Alliant的项目主任/教师顾问.
- 一旦他们签署了表格,请跟进并发邮件 ISSO@shanghaiventurepartners.com. DSO的 是授权你开始工作的人吗.
- 也, 如果这是你第一次来美国, 你需要去社会保障局办公室取得一个社会安全号码, 这个过程可能需要两周或更长时间. 你的雇主需要你的社会安全号码才能让你工作. 所以请尽快开始这个过程. 各地社会保障局办公地址见: www.ssa.政府
除了做医疗保健分析师之外, MSHA学位课程的毕业生也可以找到自己作为临床经理的工作, 健康数据科学家, 保险分析师, 健康信息技术专家, 药剂师, 医生, 护士, 医疗保健咨询师, 养老院管理员, 或者在重视这种专业知识的联邦和州政府机构.
虽然医疗保健分析师没有必要的执照考试, the American Health Information Management Association does offer examinations for those looking to achieve unique distinction in this field and become a certified health data analyst (CHDA). 获得CHDA认证可以帮助您:
- 验证掌握和专业能力
- 展现专业精神和承诺
- 展示广泛的组织知识
- 促进专业发展
The MS in Health Analytics is offered as an eight-week term program and is open for enrollment during each of those respective enrollment periods. 你可以找到我们八周课程的复印件 校历.
The health analytics master’s program is a 33-credit program and takes approximately one year to complete across eight terms.
"Analytics driven clinical outcomes help achieve greater performance in healthcare management and alleviate the pressures on health systems, 最终推动更好的病人护理和支持结构."
在Alliant, our mission is to prepare students for professional careers of service and leadership and to promote the discovery and application of knowledge to improve lives. 我们提供经过认证的教育, 注重实用知识和技能, 与不同的教师和校友保持联系, 以学生体验为目标.
CSML is a business management school that trains you to have a competitive edge in the technology and quantitative fields. CSML offers management and leadership degrees where you can learn to guide and mentor the next generation of professionals and make your mark as an innovator in the modern business world.